COSAL Program
All events in Classics 110 unless otherwise noted.
Friday, May 4
- 9:30 Coffee
- 9:45 Welcome—Valerie Ritter and Steven Collins
- 10:00 Remembrance of Norman Cutler—Paula Richman and Bernard Bate
- 10:30 Introduction of 2007 Featured Author—Sascha Ebeling
Reading and Q&A: Poetry—Salma
(translations to follow read by Sascha Ebeling and Valerie Ritter)
- 12:00 Lunch break
- 2:00 Introduction of Keynote Speaker—David Shulman
Keynote Address—A. R. Venkatachalapathy - 3:00 Coffee Break
- 3:30 Presentations—Paula Richman, discussant and moderator
Bernard Bate—"Naaladiyar in the Bajaar: Protestant Textuality and the Tamil Public Sphere"
Lakshmi Holmström—"The Tiger in the Picture: A Reading of Salma's Novel Irandaam Jaamangalin Kadai"
David Shulman—"Beyond the Margin: On G. Nagarajan and Tomorrow is One More Day"
- 5:30 Closing Remarks—Sam Sudanandha
- Break
- 6:30 Conference Dinner
Saturday, May 5
- 10:00 Coffee
- 10:30 Opening remarks—Sally Noble and Valerie Ritter
- 11:00 Reading and Q&A: Prose—Salma
(with translations following by Lakshmi Holmström)
- 12:30 Conference Lunch
- 2:00 @ Max Palevsky Cinema, Ida Noyes Hall
Film screening of SheWrite
Introduction—James Lindholm
Q&A—Anjali Monteiro and K.P. Jayasankar - 4:15 Roundtable Discussion—Sascha Ebeling, moderator
[all participants; description TBA] - 5:15 Closing Remarks—Yigal Bronner