COSAL Program (tentative)
All events in Classics 110 unless otherwise noted.
Friday, May 8
- 2:30 Welcome and introductory remarks--Steve Collins
- 2:45 Introduction to the featured author and response by Manzoor Ahtesham--Ulrike Stark, Manzoor Ahtesham
- 3:30 Keynote Address: Shamim Hanfi (to be delivered by C.M. Naim)
"The Post-1950 Urdu Novel--Some Reflections on the Historical Experience of Indian Muslims"
- 5:00 Tea Break
- 5:45 Bilingual reading by Manzoor Ahtesham, with Jason Grunebaum and Ulrike Stark, moderated by Nisha Kommattam
- 6:30 Reception
- 8:00 Conference dinner (participants only)
Saturday, May 9